
Amazing News!

One of the boys who lives in the Home of Innocence was sent to us because of a request made by the heart doctor at the local hospital.  The doctor knows about Ten Talents because of his experience with Benjamin (who had a heart operation in 2010).  Not too long after Benjamin’s surgery, the doctor asked if we could take in another boy with a heart condition that was not curable by operation, but was debilitating to the point that the boys family saw him as only a burden and they actually told him they wished he would just die so they did not have to care for him.  He had tried to kill himself more than once. When we were introduced to him we were told by the cardiologist (at the best hospital in Rwanda) that this boy would have to take medication for the rest of his life.

We have now received a new report from this very same cardiologist.  It says that after 3 months of taking no medication (at the Dr.’s request) it is confirmed that the boy has been healed!
His heart is functioning normally, he no longer has to take medication, and he is free to do anything he wants!  This is a heart that has been changed both spiritually and now physically as well.
Praise God with us- this is amazing and wonderful news!
By |2017-02-06T19:53:01-08:00March 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Needs Met!

A donation  has already been received to cover the immediate needs for the Home of Purpose.  We will be able to have our staff proceed with these improvements and make life just a little better for these girls.  Thank you!  If you would still like to give towards the HOPE Project construction, please read more about it here, or you can visit the giving page of our website here.

God Bless You!


By |2017-02-06T19:53:01-08:00February 2nd, 2014|Uncategorized|

Needs for the Home of Purpose

This morning I believe I found a great theme verse for the Home of Purpose.  It is 2nd Thessalonians 1:11-12, and this is how it reads in my NIV study Bible:

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.  We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We do pray together for the girls in the Home of Purpose, that God would fulfill all of the good thoughts he has towards them, because we know they are more numerous!

There are some needs that the Home of Purpose has right now, that we would like to share with you, in case you would like to do something practical to help!

Need:  Gutters for a water collection system
Description: Currently at the Home of Purpose, they do not have running water. The girls have to fetch water which is very time consuming. The do have a large water storage tank, but they need gutters on the buildings to funnel the rain water into the tank. These gutters will save them a lot of valuable time, so they can focus on school work instead.
Cost: $500

Need: Installation & curtains for the windows
Description: The girls need privacy; curtains would help.
Cost: $350
Need: New seat cushions
Description: We bought used living room furniture for the Home of Purpose; the cushions need to be replaced.

Maybe you can help meet one of these needs for the girls?  Even if you are not able to donate the full amount, any amount towards these items would be a blessing.  Please visit our giving page and under the One Time Donation you can select Home of Purpose from the drop down menu, or if you would like to give by check you may mail donations to our office.  Just indicate “Home of Purpose” in the memo area.

Thank you for praying with us & believing with us for God’s great purposes for these girls, and thank you to those of you who can help make their home a little more comfortable and useful.  We look forward to sharing with you great stories of victories from these girls’ lives!

God Bless You,


By |2017-02-06T19:53:01-08:00February 1st, 2014|Uncategorized|

Christmas Time!

You may be packing up the tree and decorations soon, but we have 15 team members who were packing their suitcases and are now on their way to Rwanda to celebrate Christmas there!  This team, going through All God’s Children International, will meet up with Mike & Kelly who are already there waiting for them.

During their 10 days in Rwanda this team will put on 6 different Christmas parties!  They will have one for all the children and their parents who are sponsored, one for the unsponsored (waiting) children, one for the Home of Purpose and Home of Innocence, one at a project for former street children, one for the disabled orphanage, and another one for the largest orphanage in Rwanda.  This team will literally be touching the lives of hundreds, AND HUNDREDS of children and families!

Please pray for a safe journey for them and all of the donations they are bringing with them.  Pray for strength, health, and grace for the team while they are in Rwanda.  Pray for them to work well together and that God would go before them to help every detail of this trip come together smoothly.  Pray for Mike as he leads with wisdom and discernment.  Most of all, pray for the light of Christmas- JESUS- to shine through them in all they do!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


By |2017-02-06T19:53:01-08:00December 26th, 2013|Uncategorized|

The HOPE Project

Our new property has been named! The HOPE Project. HOPE stands for: Housing, Opportunity, Purpose, and Education. The HOPE Project will include a home for girls called the “Home of Purpose”. It is our desire that this home will provide an opportunity for girls who have no one else to care for them. A place for them to be loved, heal, and to find God’s purpose for their lives. Be watching your mailbox for a special letter about The HOPE Project at the end of this month!

The need for a home for young girls is RIGHT NOW. In fact, for a long time now we have known of several girls who needed a place just like this. A kind supporter has provided a temporary home for these girls for the next year, until construction of the Home of Purpose can be completed on The HOPE Project property. This week we are already moving girls in to this temporary home! Very exciting to see this begin to take place and we praise God for his provision!

Please be praying for these girls to come together and form a family unit here at their new home. Pray for this home to be a safe and healing place where the girls can live their full potential.

God Bless You,


By |2017-02-06T19:53:02-08:00November 20th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Noel orphanage donations

In December my daughter Kelly is planning on being in Rwanda, and including a visit to the Noel orphanage.  We have taken teams to Noel in the past and worked with the children there.  She would like to bring donations for the toddler room.  Among the needs they have at the orphanage, she is hoping to bring them these items:  crib sheets and cloth diapers.  These items are not easy to find in Rwanda, so she would like to bring them with her when she comes.

If you would like to donate towards this, you may do so through our website giving page and put in the notes what the donation is for.  Or, if you would like to purchase the items yourself and send them, you may mail them to our office.

We welcome your involvement in this project!  Noel is a great orphanage whose heart is to help children.

God Bless You,


By |2017-02-06T19:53:02-08:00August 31st, 2013|Uncategorized|

Prayer Focus #2

Today I would ask you to pray for another child waiting for a sponsor. Her name is Anneti Uwineza. Anneti is 11 years old and her name “Uwineza” translates to mean “the one with grace”.

(In Rwanda, there are not “family names” like we use last names in the US/Europe. Each child is given a name in their language, Kinyarwanda, and usually a second name in French or English is given when they are baptized.)

Anneti and her two sisters (including Gloriose, our Prayer Focus #1) and younger brother live with their mother.  Their father died in 2009.  Their mother tries to provide for the needs of her family by washing other people’s clothes or selling charcoal (common cooking fuel).  Anneti is in 3rd grade at school, and when she is not in school or helping her mother, she enjoys jumping rope (as does her sister also).

Anneti has been waiting for a sponsor for 4 years.  Please pray for someone to step forward to sponsor her (she is featured right now on our website under At Risk sponsorship).  Please also pray for this family to have their needs provided for and for her mother to be able to lead her family with wisdom and grace.  Pray for them to be safe and to trust in God for all that they need: their hopes, dreams, and futures.  You can also pray for Anneti to be successful in her studies at school.

Thank you for praying with us & for believing for God to change these lives!

God Bless You,


By |2017-02-06T19:53:02-08:00August 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Prayer Focus #1

I would like to start a new feature of this blog, and I’m calling it Prayer Focus. God has put it on my heart to pray for all of the children (as well as young adults and staff) who are in our program. They will number over 100, so it is my goal to begin praying for each of these individuals, approximately two every week, so that in one year’s time we will have agreed in prayer together specifically for each one.

The first installment of Prayer Focus will begin with a child who is currently listed on our website and is waiting for a sponsor. Her name is Gloriose Uwiduhaye.

The name Gloriose would be translated to English as Glorious.  Her second name, Uwiduhaye, means “Who God Gave Us”.  Gloriose is 13 years old and she lives with her mother, younger brother, and two younger sisters.  Their father died in 2009.  Gloriose is enrolled in school and currently finishing 4th grade (their school calendar begins in January and ends in November).  Gloriose’s mother tries to support her children by washing other people’s clothes, or by selling charcoal (the main cooking fuel).  When Gloriose is not in school or helping her mother, she likes to jump rope.  She has been waiting for a sponsor for 4 years.

Let’s pray for Gloriose and her family.  Pray first of all for God to provide a sponsor for Gloriose (sponsorship will provide school uniform, school supplies, medical insurance, new clothes, and more)!  Pray for God to enable her mother to find opportunities to earn income to take care of her families needs.  Pray that God would protect this family from harm and sickness, and that he would give them a safe and secure place to live.   Most of all, pray for this family to put all their faith and trust in God, the true provider of all that they need:  body, mind, soul, and spirit.

Thank you for praying with me!

God Bless You,


By |2017-02-06T19:53:02-08:00August 23rd, 2013|Uncategorized|
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