The Home of Purpose, a home for orphaned girls and babies, is located on TTI’s new property, The HOPE Project. We have seen that there are not many options available for girls at risk or in need, and this need is immediate.
The Home of Purpose will provide a safe, nurturing environment where girls can learn, grow, and dream. We believe each one of them will discover who they were meant to be. With caring aunties, good nutrition, school fees and supplies, prayer, and plenty of play activities, the Home of Purpose will be a safe haven for young girls.
The theme verse for the Home of Purpose is 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12: “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”