I have added some pictures to the blog from when the team was here. I hope to add a new album to our photo gallery also- but that will take some time with our slow internet connection! Friday KaLia & I went to a surprise bridal shower for one of the ANLM workers. Bridal showers are a new thing for Rwandans, but everyone really enjoyed it. It ended up being a time of sharing, encouraging, and advising, as we were at the Esther Home (young women who are sponsored in university) and the older women shared their advice with these younger women (yes, I am including myself in that “older women” statment!) Saturday we were able to visit “our” kids in the Faith Home, as well as one of the sponsored children who resides in a boarding school not too far from there. She used to live in the Faith Home, but kids who are ready for secondary school (what they go to after 6th grade) have to move on to a boarding school. ANLM is currently constructing another wing at their school so they will have room for secondary school, and we look forward to when that will be finished. This morning (Sunday) was spent at church (and we had a ride- so we got to be there on time!). It was a good service and I was thinking about how content I am to be here in Rwanda. I feel like this kind of thing is what I was made for – mission. International work has always been a part of my heart, and now Rwanda is a big part of my heart.

There are a few things I miss from home (taking about just things, not people I miss). I’ve decided there are three things: my mattress (we’ve got foam mattresses here in Rwanda, no inner springs!), my washer & dryer, and having a class for Nate to be in during church service (they have a kids class but Nate won’t sit still for it or church service, so one of us ends up taking him out. I am a bit embarrassed by it each time, but at least the doors of the church are all open so you can still hear what’s going on). But none of those are very major things- and I would remind all of you to be grateful for the little things like that!

Really, the only thing I need now is for God to open up some avenues of ministry for me. Let’s pray for that! Thank you for your prayers for our family, for ministry, and the Acres of Hope.

Praise God that he is always faithful & his word is always true! God’s word is good & his promises towards us are full of so many good, good things.

Together in Christ,