Do you realize there are only 12 days left in May? Do you know that means there are only 12 more days for anyone to get in on the matching donation for the Acres of Hope? If you haven’t been a part of this yet, here is your reminder! We are very blessed to have one of our supporters put this matching donation in place: every dollar, up to $20,000 total will be matched. If your employer matches your charitable giving (as some do) then your gift can be quadrupled! (Your gift is doubled and then so is your employers.) If you would like to know more about what the Acres of Hope project is about, you can read more here.

Please give on our website or by mail, and please pray with us for God to supply so that we can begin the development of the Acres of Hope.  Children and families come to us everyday asking for help, and so many we have to turn away just because we don’t have the resources to help them.  We believe God would have us to do more, and we believe each one of you can be a part of that.

God Bless You,
