We would like to give you an opportunity to do something else for a needy family, something beyond what we have done before.  Our boys at the Home of Innocence have been taught (by one of our mission teams last year) how to make nice quality rabbit cages, and we have been raising rabbits.  A lot of the families in our program would love it if someone were to give them a breeding pair of rabbits (so they can begin raising their own) along with a cage.  Rabbits are easy to raise (feed them grasses and vegetable scraps) and reproduce quickly (we all have heard about that!).  Families may sell the babies that are produced, or may keep them to help provide food for their own family.

An example of the rabbit hutch

For us to provide a family with a rabbit cage (hutch) and a breeding pair of rabbits it will cost $120.  If you already sponsor a child and would like to provide their family with rabbits, you can give online here, select “general fund – one time gift” and in the note area make sure to say “rabbits” and your sponsored child’s name or number (or you can also mail a check to our office).  Even if you don’t sponsor a child right now, but would like to give a helping hand to a family in our program, you can also give here, select “general fund- one time gift” and note “rabbits”.  We will then determine the family who is in need and is ready to start raising rabbits.

Please consider giving this kind of gift to one of the families in our sponsorship program.  You could even give “in honor of” someone else as a Christmas gift & be able to check them off your list early this year!

I would also like to update you since my last post about “sharing the burden”.  I am so thankful that God has brought several new Rwandan volunteers to Ten Talents International!  They are helping us to meet with families on Saturdays as well as visiting the homes of families in our program to check on their living situations.  We have also come up with a new schedule/plan for meeting with families, so instead of dividing them into two groups & meeting every month, we have divided them into four groups so we are not trying to meet with so many at once.  Our volunteers are also helping us to add more structure and ministry to those gathering times.  After meeting with families we gathered them for a few worship songs (which they really enjoyed) and then had the parents meet in one group and the children in another.  The parents were led in a discussion about showing love to their children.  The children were led in a discussion about what it means to live like a Christian.  It went really well!

listening during their class

We will meet again with families this Saturday and pray for God to continue to help us make our work here effective and for him to work in the hearts and lives of the people we minister to.

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in Rwanda.

God Bless You,
