You may be packing up the tree and decorations soon, but we have 15 team members who were packing their suitcases and are now on their way to Rwanda to celebrate Christmas there!  This team, going through All God’s Children International, will meet up with Mike & Kelly who are already there waiting for them.

During their 10 days in Rwanda this team will put on 6 different Christmas parties!  They will have one for all the children and their parents who are sponsored, one for the unsponsored (waiting) children, one for the Home of Purpose and Home of Innocence, one at a project for former street children, one for the disabled orphanage, and another one for the largest orphanage in Rwanda.  This team will literally be touching the lives of hundreds, AND HUNDREDS of children and families!

Please pray for a safe journey for them and all of the donations they are bringing with them.  Pray for strength, health, and grace for the team while they are in Rwanda.  Pray for them to work well together and that God would go before them to help every detail of this trip come together smoothly.  Pray for Mike as he leads with wisdom and discernment.  Most of all, pray for the light of Christmas- JESUS- to shine through them in all they do!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
