The news we have heard is that Benjamin has gained 25 pounds already since his heart valve replacement surgery!  That is amazing!  He is well on his way to a new healthy chapter in his life.

Our family leaves for Rwanda this Wednesday the 18th at 8am.  Please pray for us during our travels, as it will be about 28 hours of traveling before we reach Rwanda.  It is grueling.  I would love just to be able to get some sleep during that time!  And I would pray for all of our luggage to arrive safely with us as well.

Donations continue to come in from so many people & we are only a couple thousand away from what we need for our first 3 months expenses there.  We are confident that God will supply and take care of all our needs- it has been amazing to watch thus far.  When you think that just a few weeks ago we had basically $0 of the money required, but we just prayed and trusted and were obedient.

The word that just keeps coming to my mind is our God is amazing!

Talk to you soon from Rwanda….

God Bless You,
