We are very thankful to everyone who came out and supported Ten Talents International at the “Night of Hope” banquet. We had the opportunity to meet many new people and to introduce them to the work of Ten Talents. We also were able to get 9 more children sponsored- praise God! We heard that night from Obed- a former street child, then sponsored child, then adopted to a family here in the US. He told us what a difference it makes to a child to know that *someone* cares about him enough to help him. How it makes the child want to succeed and do well to show their sponsor how worthwhile it is. It gives them hope!
He also talked about what it means to the kids who are still on the streets, those that the only contact we have with them right now is to feed them a meal twice a week, and provide them with areas to wash themselves, their clothes, and to spend time together rejoicing in God. How even for them to be able to come somewhere safe, even twice a week to the feeding program, means so much to them- it means someone cares about them.
We also heard from Enric, who shared with us his music and some of his story. How he was orphaned & living on the streets when God got a hold of his life. He went to church & he too was able to find opportunity through sponsorship. Now his life has come so far & he has had the chance to share his music & message around the world!
Thank you again to everyone who is able to support this ministry through your gifts, your prayers, and your faith. Lives are being changed for eternity! Continue your prayers for Ten Talents International, for Mike & myself & those who assist us, for the ministry to the street children of Rwanda and for those children who are waiting for sponsors.
I want to share with you a praise report from the Home of Innocence- Benjamin’s health is continuing to improve- he is doing much better! Praise God!
My prayer verse today was, “Lord, because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” (Psalm 63:7-8)
God Bless You,