Karace lost both his parents in the genocide that occurred in Rwanda in 1994. He was just 7 years old. He found himself living on the streets, no one to take care of him. Somehow, he survived. Eventually he began to find ways to earn some money, carrying purchases for someone at the open market, or other odd jobs. He would use this money to pay his own school fees so he could attend school. It was a few years ago that we met Karace through the feeding program for street children, but it was not until we opened up the Home of Innocence that we could do anything to give him some really meaningful help. Karace approached Mike & Ngoga, explaining how he had been paying for himself to go to school, but he did not have any place (safe) to sleep at night. He asked if he could stay at the Home of Innocence. Karace has made it as far as 7th grade now. This in itself is an accomplishment, not only because of his obstacles of having to pay his own way, but also because children in Rwanda are required to pass an entrance exam just to continue their schooling beyond 6th grade. We brought Karace into the Home of Innocence and he has been a blessing- a help in the home and a big brother to the younger boys. Although he is 22 years old, he is determined to continue in his schooling, and now he can finally focus his energy on school instead of survival. Pray for Karace as he still needs a sponsor.
(Karace is in the back row, 2nd from the right- great smile!)
Our benefit auction happened on the 20th, and although our group was small we are thankful for what God accomplished that night. 2 more children (from the Home of Innocence) are now sponsored. That leaves 2 in the Home who still need to be sponsored (Karace & Emmanuel), and one who is partially sponsored. We also have many children in the At Risk program (those living at home) who are waiting for sponsors- please keep them all in your prayers! The money raised at the auction was for the annual rent for the compound that has the Home of Innocence & our office. We thank God we raised over $1000 that night. Our rent payment is $4000 so we believe God will provide somehow- we know He will!
Hopefully soon I will have good news about the registration of Ten Talents in Rwanda- we have heard that we may be getting the letter we need tomorrow & we can’t wait to rejoice with you about that!
Thank you for your faithfulness!
God Bless You,