Friday we were able to visit the TTI property, “Acres of Hope”. The people in the area have planted a new season of crops on the land there, so it looks a little different, but we were able to find several of our trees still growing & getting quit a bit bigger for only being planted 9 or so months ago. I will post a picture below.
Saturday our plan was to meet with the children who are sponsored now through TTI (to play with them and help them write letters to their sponsors). We arrived there to find Christine, Simon Peter Ngoga’s wife, leading the children in a Bible study. We also found even much more than we were expecting! You see, not only did we find a few of the children there who are sponsored, we also found there was about 20 more children who were hoping to become sponsored. We got some basic information on these children, their pictures, and told them they need to come back this Saturday so we can find out more information. These children mostly have a home, with either a relative or parent, but whose family is too poor to afford to send them to school, as well as afford nutritious food, adequate clothes, etc. It is not hard to fall in love with these children and want to help them. And although shy at first, they soon warmed up and several of them had fun playing with Jerid & Chris. If you know of anyone who is interested in becoming a child sponsor please contact us. We have children of all ages available for sponsorship. We will endeavor to encourage regular contact between children and their sponsors, so it is not just “mailing a check” but an actual relationship.
Sunday we were in Kayonza to visit the children of the Faith Home, as well as the children of the Kanombe Home who were recently moved to that same compound. We shared in church service with them, presented them with gifts, and enjoyed their love and smiles as we visited with them.
This week has been a little bit different- and a bit trying for the guys on the team. We are still working on getting paperwork and other things in order so we may receive the container. Mike has been in meetings and trying to get things settled.
Our team was hoping to have been able to get to work on the property long before now, but we trust that God has a plan beyond ours & beyond what we can see. We persevere and keep our faith in Him. Please keep praying for God’s provision for us, the Acres of Hope, and the sponsored children. Please also pray for God to work in & through our time here, as well as for our health.
This afternoon Mike is having a meeting witht he community at our property. As a show of good will towards the community we have agreed to find sponsors for 10 needy children in the immediate area of the property. Tomorrow we will be with the children again at the feeding program. Jerid is going to share a word with them.
Thank you for keeping us in your hearts and prayers. We believe for what God is wanting to do here & that “now is the time” for Rwanda- even though it does require patience on our part in many ways!

God Bless You,

Mike showing off the “first fruits” of the trees on our property.

One of the children who showed up on Saturday asking to be sponsored (all children were given a new TTI T-shirt).