my true love gave to me… 9 backpacks!
(8 sets of bedding, 7 place settings, 6 jerry cans, 5 comfy cushions, 4 cooking pots, 3 bicycles, 2 dozen nets, and a propane cooker and tank!)

It may not be back to school time in the USA, or wherever you are reading this from, but here in Rwanda the school calendar runs more in line with the actual calendar.  They begin the school year in January and finish in October or early November.  So right now the kids are on their long holiday before starting the next school year.  What kid would not appreciate having a new backpack for carrying his supplies back & forth to school?

Can you help the kids in the Home of Innocence receive a new backpack before school starts?

9 backpacks: cost $6 each, $54 total (purchase one or as many as you like!)

You can give right here on our website by clicking on the “giving” tab and selecting general fund.  Once you get to your paypal payment screen there is a note section where you can state “12 Days” and what item you are giving towards.

God Bless You,
